Monday, September 1, 2008

I've changed my mind

Days ago, I wrote about a mystery that I was reading without exactly knowing why:  The Last Enemy, by Grace Brophy.  I didn't particularly like it, didn't find it suspenseful, and felt that it was a sign of my general state of lethargy, following a batch of great books that I had read throughout the course of the summer.

I stand corrected.  The story got better and better and I really got very hooked by the characters.  The end was surprising for a number of different reasons.  I'd have to say that I liked Brophy's Italian mystery more than the Venice-based books that I've read by Donna Leon (that said, I love Venice and will therefore keep reading Leon's mysteries for a long time, I suspect).  

But, as for Brophy, forget about what I wrote earlier.  I recommend this and will hope that she has written other books that I'll be able to throw myself into.  But first -- War and Peace, as I prepare for the fall session of my reading group.  It's September.