Sunday, July 27, 2008

GK "30"

Although I begin by paying homage to "The Wire" ("30" being the name of the final episode of the final season of this great TV show), I'm actually reporting the end of my commitment to "Generation Kill" (which shares the same creators as "The Wire" but has left me completely and utterly cold).  

It's hard for me to walk away from anything with David Simon and Ed Burns attached to it (from afar, I even like Nina Noble, who is apparently their executive producer for life, even though I don't exactly know what she does).  But after two mediocre episodes, I want my Sunday nights back.

Does anyone out there disagree?  I'm not attached to any of the characters (except the somewhat over-the-top Marine who's played by the same actor who played Ziggy during The Wire's second, magnificent season -- he's talented and really eats up the camera in every scene that he's in -- but, to be honest, maybe I only like him because of Ziggy).  And as a longtime journalist, I completely loathe the embedded reporter who apparently went on to write the book that "Generation Kill" is based on (does being embedded really mean that he doesn't do anything other than scribble on a notepad, grin, and occasionally roll his eyes or mouth a "wow"?  He's making me wish that Judith Miller would ride in on a tank, just to stir things up a little bit).  

This is a disappointment.  But, fortunately, The Wire's 5th season will go on DVD in a few weeks and I'll really be able to throw myself into that instead.  Is anybody else watching anything good this summer?


Unknown said...

You won't get your Sunday nights back, but try Madmen on AMC.

Today'sFrase said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll overlook my RAGE over all those Emmy nominations that Mad Men received (when The Wire only got one - for writing -- overlooking all those great actors) and give it a shot.