Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Close encounters of the annoying kind

Three painful hours on a Hampton Jitney traveling from Manhattan to Montauk.  The guy across the aisle caught my attention about 5 minutes after I got on the bus, when I heard him tell the teenage girl sitting next to him, "I'm going to leave you alone now" -- for the third time. The rest of the ride went something like this:

(Girl ignores him.)  Guy:  Do you always answer questions in monosyllables?
(girl ignores him) Guy:  I'm a national writer for the internet.  You've got to give me something to work with.
(girl ignores him) Guy:  You're so British.  And I don't mean that in a good way.
(Bus attendant comes down the aisle to sell tickets).  Guy:  Are you a Ruskie?
Ditto, ditto, ditto.  More obnoxious and annoying comments.  By this point, I have started taking notes on everything he says so that I don't feel compelled to hurl myself out of the bus window.
Guy (turning his loathsome attention to Todaysfrase herself):  You write so small.  You must be a writer.  You don't live on 80th and 3rd, do you?
Todaysfrase:  You're right.  I don't.
Guy:  I thought you were a world famous writer who lives two floors above me.
Ditto, ditto, ditto.  Cell phone calls.  More annoying comments.   The only relief was two strange trips that this man made to the bathroom, one right after the other.  Silence for approximately 15 minutes. 
Suddenly he turned his attention back to the teenage girl.  Guy:  Did you see the movie "The Queen?  (silence - the rest of us were probably all asking ourselves, Where the hell did that come from?).  
Guy:  Do you like your book?  (silence)  What is your book?  (silence)  All right.  I won't bother you.
(He makes the last in a string of about 15 cell phone calls).  Guy:  Hello.  Is the Outback restaurant open tonight? Who's the bartender?  Ralph?  Good. (General eye-rolling throughout the bus, as we find someone else to feel sorry for, instead of ourselves).  
The loathsome one then turns his attention back to Todaysfrase.
Guy:  How close do you live to the Village?
Todaysfrase:  What village?  (Was he wondering if I was a different world-famous writer  -- from Greenwich Village, this time?)
Guy:  Oh.  You're not getting off in Southampton?  I was going to make you an offer you couldn't refused.  (silence) Of course, you might have refused.

Here's a simple question for all of you:  Where are you most vulnerable to a close encounter of the annoying kind -- and why?


Unknown said...

Bravo! Exceptional! Best post ever...

Unknown said...

At least the loathsome one kept you busy for 3 hours! The poor teen girl!