Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer movies

There are some movies, it's fair to say, that Todaysfrase would never see if they weren't playing in Montauk's movie theater (for enough weeks that they gradually become more and more enticing). "Tropic Thunder" falls into this category.  I thought that it would be incredibly stupid.  So it wasn't hard to resist during the first week of its run.  But eventually, sometime during the second week, I succumbed and, TF-ers, I am happy to report that it's remarkably funny.  I urge you to see it.  Like "Iron Man," it is a very fun if brainless summer flick.

One of the best parts of "Tropic Thunder" is a hilarious performance by Tom Cruise -- who I didn't even recognize until I was practically hit over the head  by my movie companions.  (Yes, I was not as with-it as I might have been.  To be perfectly honest, I completely failed to appreciate that the spoofy beginning of this movie was indeed the beginning of the movie and not just another couple of awful previews.  That was a nice touch.)

Since this reminds me of just how good Cruise can be when he's not talking about you-know-what or acting in duds like "Lions for Lambs,"  I'd like to take this opportunity to recommend another film,  "Magnolia."  One of my alltime favorites, it has many great things going for it, most especially a terrific soundtrack by Aimee Mann and a superb, over-the-top performance by Cruise as a woman-hating self-help guru.   Add it to your Netflix list if you haven't yet seen it.

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